Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
We understand that all children develop in different ways and development is not linear. Child development is very much dependent on the experience each unique child has and needs. We aim to provide a fun, caring and secure environment, with a vision that each child should get the individual support they need to play, learn and make progress confidently at their own pace. We have an experienced team of staff that have worked with many children with enhanced needs. We follow the graduated response approach, (assess, plan, do, review) working in partnership with parents and other professionals to support your child. |
You can find further support and information on the websites below:
Achievement for All – www.afaeducation.org
nasen – www.nasen.org.uk
Derby City Local Offer
Tiegans Butterflies (Parent support group)
Achievement for All – www.afaeducation.org
nasen – www.nasen.org.uk
Derby City Local Offer
Tiegans Butterflies (Parent support group)
We are strong believers in equity and not just equality for every child