Our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum is based very much on discovering and learning through play. Children learn very quickly at this age and they need support to encourage feelings, positive attitudes and values as well as skills and knowledge. We believe we offer a good balance of activities, spontaneous and planned, within the following 7 areas of learning to build on learning already gained at home. Within our play we encourage children to respect each other and be tolerant, to make their own choices and to understand that rules matter. This year we have written our own curriculum, a progressional model that is ambitious for all our children. The following is an outline of how the 7 educational programmes that are incorporated within our pre school & curriculum Personal, Social & Emotional Development Children are supported to develop confidence, self-respect and independence. They are encouraged to work alone and to develop relationships with others by taking part in group activities and taking turns. Through appropriate activities and conversation they are taught acceptable ways to express their own feelings and to respect the feelings of others. Communication & Language Children are encouraged to extend their vocabulary by listening and joining in story time and singing at rhyme time. They are given opportunities to listen to others and respond appropriately. They are given time to talk about events that have happened or future events to come. Physical Development We have a wide range of equipment allowing children to develop their gross motor skills. Our staff supervise the children and allow them the confidence to develop their climbing, moving and balancing skills. Fine motor skills are also supported with the development of using small objects and taking part in dough disco to help strengthen little fingers to support future writing skills. Children are taught the importance of good health & keeping safe and are encouraged to manage their own personal needs, such as going to the toilet independently. Understanding of the World Children are encouraged to experiment with a different range of materials both natural and manufactured. They are helped to understand and talk about their local environment, within the group and their family and wider community. We celebrate different cultures and beliefs through our play, stories and visits. We regularly have visits from people in the community which have recently included the Police and school crossing patrol. Mathematics Children become familiar with matching, ordering and sequencing objects, which forms the basis of early mathematics. They are supported to learn mathematical language such as shape, size and volume. Stories and rhymes are used to develop counting and water, sand and role play is used regularly to develop practical experience. Literacy Children are helped to understand that written symbols have meaning and when they are ready they are encouraged to write and draw symbols for themselves. Mark making using a variety of different tools, including pens, pencils and scissors. Expressive Arts & Design Children are given a wide range of resources to express their own ideas and construct their own models, enabling them to explore different colour, shapes and textures. There are also daily opportunities to develop imagination with role play both individually and as part of a group. Children also have the opportunity to learn through music & dance. Our Pre-school has chosen to use practice guidance as set out in ‘Birth to 5 matter's' we also use the OPAL assessment tool to show the likely stages of progress a child makes along their learning journey towards the early learning goals. |